"It made me more confident and because of all of the things I learned I was awarded top sales in my state ."
Julie Jabiro, Workshopper
Access to the Masterclass & implementation Call
Hi, Staci and Nicole here - we have been entrapreneurs in the network marketing industry for nearly a decade. We embraced the suck and created 6 figure organizations. We help online business owners grow their business using the latest tools that teach how to get into authentic conversations that convert to sales and sign ups.
The Instant Influencer Workshop has been responsible for allowing business owners to earn a passive income and generate incredible revenue.
Without it, you will waste your time stuck in Entrepreneurial Groundhog Day and struggling to find time to do the things that really matter in your business.
With it, you can eliminate all of the 'what to post overwhelm' and follow a simple process to attract your perfect person, allowing you time to focus on business building or enjoying more of the "good life" instead!
xx Staci and Nicole